
素晴らしい大会でしたよ ええ。

さて、GAME AND MMAさんの所でシウバのインタビューがあったので
紹介させて頂きます。  いやぁ格好良いわぁシウバ

At the moment you were down on the ground, what went though your head? 
Many things, as a matter of fact when the ref stopped the fight for the first time I was stunned because the knockdown he caught me with hit me directly in the eye, it didnt scrape, it was right on. That blow defeated me. I just thought of going on, couldn't stop, wanted to see how far I could go. 

What made you go on? 
Overcoming myself, I think. I had to overcome myself, i managed to get up and think I could still win. I was even surprised, I overcame myself a little more. 
